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Adewale Ayuba

From Wikipedia
Adewale Ayuba
Man abi wumanman Chenj-am
Kontri wey e kom fromNaija Chenj-am
Fest nemAdewale Chenj-am
Famili nemAyuba Chenj-am
Wen dem bon am6 May 1966 Chenj-am
Ples wey dem bon amIkenne Chenj-am
Fest langwejYoruba Langwej Chenj-am
Langwej wey e fit tok, rait abi yuz hand tokEnglish langwej, Yoruba Langwej, Naijá langwej Chenj-am
Wok wey e dey dusinger-songwriter, singa Chenj-am
Wie e go skulUniversity of Lagos Chenj-am
Wen e stat wok1983 Chenj-am
Stai of song abi fimworld music, fuji music Chenj-am

Adewale Ayuba, wey pipul dey kol Mr Johnson na Naija muzishan. Som pipul stil dey kol am Bonsue-fuji masta.

How im tak stat laif an skul

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

Adewale Ayuba wey dem bon for May 6, 1966, for Ikenne Remo, Ogun Stet, Naijiria. E don tey for muzik an na for eight year e don stat to dey sing for smol smol plaz. Afta, Ayuba kom go skul for Remo Secondary School e kon tek muzik as e karia. Wen im dey Ogun Stet politeknik Abeokuta, na muzik dey tek no am.Ayuba fest abom na Ibere (Begining) wey e du wen im bi 17 years mek pipul sabi am wel wel.Ayuba du kontrat wit Sony Muzik for 1990.E du anoda rekod wey mek pipul sabi am wel wel wey bi Bubble. Na Bubble rekod mek am win awod for Nigerian Music Award (NMA). Di song wey im sing mek am win Artist of the Year Award, Abom of the Year, Song of the Year Award an Best Fuji Artist of the Year, Na four awod im kolet for di Bubble abom.

Di way Ayuba dey yuz im vois dey sing difren fom oda Fuji pipul na dat one mek e fuji song difren. Pipul wey no laik fuji stat to dey laik am bikos di way wey Ayuba dey sing. Afta pipul don laik Bubble rekod wey im du, Ayuba kom du anoda one wey bi, Mr. Johnson Play for Me (wey dey for Sony Music Nigeria label), wey pipul laik wel wel for 1992. For 1993 Ayuba sign for Premier Muzik (Nigeria). Ayuba du sho for Afrika kontri. Im du wel for di sho for Afrika na im mek dem arenj anoda one for am for US, for dat same 1993. Dem like Ayuba wel wel sotay one Oyinbo buk salut am, di buk nem na Los Angeles weekly Magazine.

Wie dem gada di tori

[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]
