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ice giant, outer planet, superior planet
Part ofouter Solar System Chenj-am
Named afterNeptune Chenj-am
DemonymNeptunian, Neptunano Chenj-am
Locationouter Solar System Chenj-am
Studied inposeidology Chenj-am
Discoverer or inventorUrbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams, Johann Gottfried Galle, Heinrich Louis d'Arrest Chenj-am
Time of discovery or invention23 September 1846 Chenj-am
Site of astronomical discoveryBerlin Observatory Chenj-am
Parent astronomical bodySun Chenj-am
EpochJ2000.0 Chenj-am
Stack Exchange taghttps://astronomy.stackexchange.com/tags/neptune Chenj-am
Unicode character,  Chenj-am

Neptun' bi di eiht and planet wey fa pas from di Sun. E bi di foht-lajes planet for di Sola System bai diameta, di thord-mos-masiv planet, and di densest jaiant planet. E bi 17 taims di mass of Earth, and dey slaihtli moh masiv than felo ice jaiant Uranus. Neptun dey densa and fisikali smola than Uranus bekaus e great mass dey kaus moh gravitashonal kompresion of e atmosfe. Wey dey komposd praimarili of gasis and liquids, e no get wel-defaind solid surfais. Di planet dey obit di Sun wons evri 164.8 years for an orbital distans of 30.1AU|e9km e9mi. E nem kom from di Roman god of di sea and get di astronomikal simbol ♆, wey dey represent Neptun traident.

Neptun no dey visibul to unaided ai and bi di onli planet for di Sola System wey wi faind bai matematikal predishons rada than bai empirikal obsavashon. Unexpeted chenjis for di obit of Uranus lead Alexis Bouvard to hypotesaiz say e obit dey subjet to gravitashonal petobashon bai a planet wey wi neva sabi abaut. Afta Bouvard kpai, di posishon of Neptun kom dey predited from e obsavashons, independentli, bai John Kouch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier. Neptun kom dey subsequentli obsavd wit teleskop on 23 September 1846 bai Johann Gottfried Galle widin a degree of di posishon wey Le Verrier predit. E lajes moon, Triton, dey diskovad shortli diarafta, though non of di planet remainin 13 moons dey teleskopikali obsavd until di 20th century. Di planet distans from Earth dey giv am a smol aparent saiz, mekin am dey chalenjin to stodi am wit Earth-bayzd teleskops. Voyaija 2 been visit Neptun, wen e flai ova di planet on 25 August 1989; Voyaija 2 remain di onli spaiskraft wey don visit am.[1][2] Di advent of di Hobul Spais Teleskop and laj graund-bayzd teleskops wit adaptiv optiks don alau for adishonal detaild obsavashons from afa.

Laik di gas jaiants (Jupita and Saturn), Neptun atmosfe dey komposd praimarili of hydrojen and helium, along wit traces of hydrokarbons and posibli naitrojen, but kontain a haia proporshon of ices such as wota, ammonia and methaen. Simila to Uranus, e interior dey praimarili komposd of ices and rok; both planets nomali dey konsidad as "ice jaiants" to distinguish dem. Along wit Rayleih skatarin, traces of methaen for di autamos rejions mek Neptun to apia faintli blue.[3][4]

In kontras to di strongli seasonal atmosfe of Uranus, wey fit dey feachorles for long periods of taim, Neptun atmosfe get ativ and konsistentli visibul weda patans. As at di taim of di Voyaija 2 flaibai for 1989, di planet sautan hemisfe get a Great Dak Spot wey dey komparabul to di Great Red Spot for Jupita. For 2018, a niua main dak spot and smola dak spot kom dey identifaid and stodid. Diz weda patans dey driven bai di stronges sustaind winds of eni planet for di Sola System, as hai as 2100km/h|m/s mph.[5] Bekaus of e great distans from di Sun, Neptun auta atmosfe bi wan of di koldes plaesis for di Sola System, wit temperechors for e kloud tops dey aproach 55K|C F. Temperechots for di centa of di planet bi aproximateli 5400K|C F. Neptun get a faint and fragmented ring system (wey dey labeld as "arks"), wey wi diskova for 1984 and wey Voyaija 2 konfam.

  1. Chang, Kenneth (18 October 2014). "Dak Spots for hau wi tek sabi Neptun". Di Niu Yok Taims. Archived from the original on 28 October 2014. Retrieved 21 October 2014.
  2. "Exploraeshon | Neptun". NASA Sola System Exploraeshon. Archived from the original on 17 July 2020. Retrieved 2020-02-03. In 1989, NASA Voyaija 2 bikom di fes-and onli-spaiskraft to stodi Neptun up klous.
  3. Munsell, Kirk; Smith, Harman; Harvey, Samantha (13 November 2007). "Neptun ovaviu". Sola System Exploraeshon. NASA. Archived from the original on 3 March 2008. Retrieved 20 February 2008.
  4. info@noirlab.edu (May 31, 2022). "Jemini Nort Teleskop Hep dey Explain Whai Uranus and Neptun bi Diferen Kolours - Obsavashons from Jemini Obsavatori, a Program of NSF's NOIRLab, and oda teleskops reveal say exces hayz for Uranus mek am dey payl pas Neptun". www.noirlab.edu (in Ínglish). Archived from the original on 30 July 2022. Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  5. Suomi, V.E.; Limaye, S.S.; Johnson, D.R. (1991). "Hai Winds of Neptun: A posibul mekanisim". Saiens. 251 (4996): 929–32. Bibcode:1991Sci...251..929S. doi:10.1126/science.251.4996.929. PMID 17847386. S2CID 46419483.