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Elektromagnetik radiashion

From Wikipedia

For fysiks, elektromagnetik radiashion (EMR) konsist of waves of di elektromagnetik (EM) field, wey dé propagate thru space and karry momentum and electromagnetic radiant enerjy.[1] Types of EMR inklud radio waves, maikrowaves, infrared, (visibul) laight, ultravaiolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, all of which bi part of di elektromagnetik spektrum.

  1. *Purcell and Morin, Harvard Univasity. (2013). Elektricity and Magnetism, 820p (3rd ed.). Cambridge Univasity Press, New York. ISBN 978-1-107-01402-2. p 430: "These waves... require no medium to support their propageishion. Traveling elektromagnetik waves karry enerjy, and... di Poynting vector deskraib di enerjy flow...;" p 440: ... di elektromagnetik wave must get di following propatis: 1) Di field patan dé travel with speed c (speed of laight); 2) At every point within di wave... di elektrik field strength E equals "c" taims di magnetik field strength B; 3) Di elektrik field and di magnetik field dé perpendikula to one anoda and to di dairekshion of travel, or propageishion."